Homem mais velho da Alemanha atribui longevidade a sedentarismo

Da Agência EFE
Em Berlim

O homem mais velho da Alemanha, Hermann Doernemann, completa 111 anos hoje, quinta-feira, e diz que sua longevidade se deve a dois hábitos seguidos à risca: não fazer esporte e tomar diariamente uma cerveja do tipo “Altbier”.

A revelação foi feita hoje pela filha dele. Doernemann renunciou a qualquer tipo de fama e vai comemorar o aniversário na intimidade familiar, com sua filha Rita Klein, seu neto e seus dois bisnetos.

Outro “segredo” da longevidade, segundo ele, é a ingestão da água de ferver batatas, muito rica em vitaminas.

Nascido em 1893 em Essen-Altenessen, Doernemann foi engenheiro eletrônico durante 42 anos, profissão que exerceu primeiro em Ratingen a partir de 1922 e em Düsseldorf, desde 1947. Ele vive na casa de sua filha desde 1984, quando morreu sua mulher, com a qual teve também um filho que morreu no ano passado.

Doernemann é o homem mais velho da República, mas há uma mulher nascida um ano antes que ele no estado federado de Baden-Württemberg (sudoeste do país).

Leoni – Sideral

tema do programa “Capitão Aza”
(Durval Ferreira)

Comandando uma astronave, rasgando o céu,
Vou pisando em estrelas, constelações.
Deixo longe um mundo aflito e a bomba H.
Corpo livre no infinto eu vou na estrada do sol.

Traço o rumo dos meus passos na solidão,
Ganho espaço nas revistas, televisões,
Mas os homens se destróem nas guerras vãs
E vão no pó dos sonhos em nome do amor.

Eu vou colorindo de vermelho esse céu azul.
Minha nave é um espelho rebrilha ao sol.
Pela trilha da esperança cantando amor e a paz
eu vou cantando o amor e a paz
eu vou cantando

– Alô Capitão Aza, aonde quer que você esteja responda, roger:

– Pronto Martinha! Capitão Aza na escuta! Estou no espaço pisando em estrelas. E o meu corpo está completamente livre no infinito. Eu vou na estrada do Sol, enviando a minha mensagem de amor e muito carinho para todas as crianças do universo

Traço o rumo dos meus passos na solidão,
Ganho espaço nas revistas, televisões,
Mas os homens se destróem nas guerras vãs
E vão no pó dos sonhos em nome do amor.

Eu vou colorindo de vermelho esse céu azul
Minha nave é um espelho rebrilha ao sol
Pela trilha da esperança cantando amor e a paz
eu vou cantando o amor e a paz
eu vou cantando

ouça aqui 

“Happiness Is A Warm Gun”


She’s not a girl who misses much
Do do do do do do do do, oh yeah
She’s well acquainted with the touch of the velvet hand
Like a lizard on a window pane
The man in the crowd with the multicoloured mirrors
On his hobnail boots
Lying with his eyes while his hands are busy
Working overtime
A soap impression of his wife which he ate
And donated to the National Trust

I need a fix cos I’m going down
Down to the bits that I left uptown
I need a fix cos I’m going down

Mother Superior jump the gun
Mother Superior jump the gun
Mother Superior jump the gun
Mother Superior jump the gun
Mother Superior jump the gun
Mother Superior jump the gun

Happiness is a warm gun (Happiness bang, bang, shoot, shoot)
Happiness is a warm gun, mama (Happiness bang, bang, shoot, shoot)
When I hold you in my arms (Oo-oo oh yeah)
And I feel my finger on your trigger (Oo-oo oh yeah)
I know no one can do me no harm (Oo-oo oh yeah)
Because happiness is a warm gun, mama (Happiness bang, bang, shoot, shoot)
Happiness is a warm gun, yes it is (Happiness bang, bang, shoot, shoot)
Happiness is a warm, yes it is, gun (Happiness bang, bang, shoot, shoot)
Well, don’t you know happiness is a warm gun, mama? (Happiness is a warm gun, yeah)

Kisstory in action

Humanity has always loved locking lips

by: Owen Ray – A+E Editor
May 10, 2004

Locking lips with someone you love, or at least someone you think is really hot, is something that all of us savor. We spend our loneliest days and nights dreaming of what it might be like to gently press our lips against those of someone we have a secret crush on. Those of us who are lucky enough to be involved in a fulfilling, loving relationship may spend days and nights away from our significant others, longing for the familiar feel and taste of their mouths.

Kissing someone incites a feeling, that certain fuzzy rush of hormones into the gut that cannot be reproduced by any of our other day-to-day activities. Bungee jumping, skydiving and heroin combined could not possibly compare to the feeling of a passionate smooch.

Swapping spit actually consumes about 336 hours, or 20,160 minutes, of the average person’s life. That time could not be possibly spent in a better way. OK, there are a few better ways, but you usually have to kiss to get there anyway.

With all of the time people spend kissing, thinking about kissing and practicing kissing their hands so they don’t screw it up on the first date, nobody thinks much about where this erotic practice originated.

There are many theories as to where the romantic kiss originated and the tales range from totally disgusting to downright practical.

The earliest and most repulsive possible origin of kissing is believed to be the practice of mothers chewing up food and pushing it into their babies’ mouths with their tongues. The would’ve loved the convenient two-ounce jars of vegetable mush that we feed our offspring today. How exactly this maternal regurgitation turned into a romantic practice of any sort, we do not know. Those damn scientists are either crazy or totally full of BS.

While on the vomit-inducing side of kisstory, it is worth exploring the possibility that humans may have picked up kissing from watching their monkey buddies go at it. According to Frans De Waal of Emory University, kissing with tongue contact is common in bonobos, a kind of pygmy chimpanzee. Watching apes kiss could certainly cause some sparks to fly. For Neanderthals, anyway.

Less revolting, yet more practical than romantic, is the ever-popular theory that the Romans are the ones that blessed us with the practice of kissing. The Romans kissed each other hello and kissed their leaders’ robes and jewelry as a sign of respect. Good thing we don’t have to make out with our leaders’ rings and suits now. Who knows what Bill Clinton’s hands and clothes may have had on them.

Some also claim Roman men kissed their wives when they arrived home from battle to see if they have been dipping into their wine stash. How romantic.

The first erotic kiss may have been exchanged in India around 1500 B.C., said Dr. Vaughn Bryant Jr. in a Chicago Tribune article. This comes as no surprise, seeing that there were references to kissing in the original Kama Sutra, written in India over 1500 years ago.

There are also some biological factors that contribute to our desire to suck face. The act of kissing signals our brain to produce the hormone oxytocin, the chemical that produces that “tummy full of fuzzy squirrel tails” feeling we all enjoy so much.

Making out creates feelings so strong, there have been laws written to prevent oral exchanges, some of which still stand today.

In 1903, the Minnesota legislature introduced a bill that declared, “It shall be unlawful for one person to kiss another unless he has proved that he is free from contagious disease and further that a certificate from a physician declaring a person to have a weak heart, shall continue a bar to the indulgence of kissing.”

As if it isn’t already cold enough in Minnesota. Indiana has a law on the books that makes it illegal for a man with a moustache to “habitually kiss human beings.” True, moustaches do suck, but at least Indiana lawmakers were nice enough to say nothing to prevent their mustachioed residents from making out with farm animals.

Now you can comfortably make out all night, now that you know about the regurgitating mothers, brown-nosing Romans and hot primates that may have given us our favorite form of foreplay.

Poemeto Erótico

Uma amiga me passou e aqui publico. Brigado Carlinha!!!

Teu corpo claro e perfeito,
– Teu corpo de maravilha,
Quero possuí-lo no leito
Estreito da redondilha…

Teu corpo é tudo o que cheira…
Rosa… flor de laranjeira…

Teu corpo, branco e macio,
É como um véu de noivado…

Teu corpo é pomo doirado…

Rosal queimado do estio,
Desfalecido em perfume…

Teu corpo é a brasa do lume…

Teu corpo é chama e flameja
É puro como nas fontes
A água clara que serpeja,
Que em cantigas se derrama…

Volúpia da água e da chama…

A todo momento o vejo…
Teu corpo… a única ilha
No oceanoa do meu desejo…

Teu corpo é tudo o que brilha,
Teu corpo é tudo o que cheira…
Rosa, flor de laranjeira…

Manuel Bandeira

Meu amor, às vezes não preciso ser inédito, apenas referencial.
Te adoro!!!